Smokefree success stories

Thousands of people have quit for good with our help, and studies show that you're up to four times more likely to quit successfully with our specialist help and support. Read real stories from ex-smokers to remind you that you're not alone in your Smokefree journey.

Smokefree success stories

Joan, age 70, Kirkby

Since stopping smoking I have been able to have a brand new carpet put down right throughout the house. I’ve also bought a brand new three piece suite and a new bed with the money I’ve saved because I stopped smoking. And for the first time in my life I’ve been able to save money.

I have smoked for over 55 years. I started smoking around the age of 15 because everyone else was smoking too and just enjoyed the odd whiff now and again. I have tried to stop smoking before. The longest I managed was 11 weeks mainly because my grandkids would constantly complain about the smell whenever they came to visit me. My granddaughter was actually accused of smoking by her teacher as they could smell the cigarette smoke on her school uniform. The truth was the smell had clung on to her uniform whilst she had been in my home when I was smoking. 

I started to notice that my health was getting worse. My chest would wheeze a lot and my breathing wasn’t great and I’d been told by the hospital that I would need further tests for emphysema. My sister was currently with the Knowsley stop smoking service and recommended that I call them with help to quit smoking.

Over a year later I can proudly say that I no longer smoke and haven’t touched one for over 12 months. My stop smoking advisor Nicola was fantastic. She would always say to me “here’s my number, make sure you call me if you ever feel like a cigarette”. I felt having Nicola supporting me was half the battle. Since stopping smoking I have been able to have a brand new carpet put down right throughout the house. I’ve also bought a brand new three piece suite and a new bed with the money I’ve saved because I stopped smoking. And for the first time in my life I’ve been able to save money.

My 17 grandchildren are all delighted with me. My youngest grandchild is just one year old. I no longer have to worry about giving her a cuddle and have her on my knee with the worry of second hand smoke. I’m over the moon – thank you.

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Jeff has been struggling to quit smoking for years. His 60 a day habit unfortunately ended up compromising his health. However, he has manged to kick the habit with the help of one of our lovely stop smoking advisors Rita. Jeff has done amazing. Jeff has agreed to tell us his story to inspire others to do the same.

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Christine's Quit Smoking Journey

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Nick, Age 34.

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Donna, age 59, Huyton

My family are all so proud of me for stopping smoking including my 13 grandchildren. With the money I have saved from not smoking, I am able to save so I can have a proper holiday with the family when it’s safe to do so. I can’t wait!

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Angela, age 61, Kirkby

I walked in to Whiston Hospital with 40 Cigarettes unopened and I left a week later with the same amount.

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